Hyacinth macaw male and female really tame nearly three years old dna sexed closed rung cites papers. Available hyacinth macaw, Green Winged Macaw, bue and gold, black palm cockatoo, Cockatoo, Shamrock Macaw, millitary macaw and more etc…They are 3years old, says loads of words and answers when spoken to. They are very friendly and tame, loves being held, and sitting out doors (garden) he has had wings clipped so can’t fly. His a great bird will be a very sad sale. Goes by the name Biggy and clydie Comes with large cage and toys. We are looking for a forever loving home for him, who has the times to give him as these types of birds need attention. Contact me at: geraldwaynekiser@gmail.com
Contact me at: geraldwaynekiser@gmail.com
Contact me at: geraldwaynekiser (at) gmail.com